If your business would like to partner with us, please contact us: info@burkemountainconfectionery.com
Locations:Ben & Jerry's Gift Shop 1281 Waterbury Stowe Rd, Waterbury, VT Blake Hill Preserves 60 Artisans Way Windsor, Vermont 05089 www.blakehillpreserves.com Bragg Farm 1005 VT-14 N, East Montpelier, VT 05651 www.braggfarm.com Burke Mountain Ski Resort Butternut Mtn Farm (Marvin's Country Store). 31 Lower Main St E, Johnson, VT 05656 www.marvinscountrystore.com Cabot Creamery 2878 Main St, Cabot, VT 05647 Capitol Stationers Craftsbury General Store 118 S Craftsbury Rd, Craftsbury, VT 05826 www.gennyvt.com Currier's Market 2984 Glover Rd, Glover, VT 05839 (802) 525-8822 Dartmouth Hospital Gift Shop 1 Medical Center Dr, Lebanon, NH 03766 www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org East Burke Market 461 VT-114, East Burke, VT 05832 www.eastburkemarketvt.com Farmway 286 Waits River Rd, Bradford, VT 05033 www.vermontgear.com The Freighthouse F. H. Gillingham's & Sons General Store 16 Elm St, Woodstock, VT 05091 www.gillinghams.com H.E. Shaw's General Store 54 Main St, Stowe, VT 05672 shawsgeneralstore.com Harlow Sugar House 556 Bellows Falls Rd, Putney, VT 05346 (802) 387-5832 Harman's Cheese 1400 NH-117, Sugar Hill, NH 03586 Healthy Living Hearth & Home 28 Cross St, Island Pond, VT 05846 www.hearthandhomecountry.com King Arthur Flour Store 135 US-5, Norwich, VT 05055 www.kingarthurflour.com/visit/ Kingdom Adventures (Seasonal) 2074 Darling Hill Rd, Lyndonville, VT 05851 www.kceadventures.com Kingdom Campground (Seasonal) Lebanon Coop The Lodge at Spruce Peak. 7412 Mountain Rd, Stowe, VT 05672 www.sprucepeak.com Mad River Taste Place 89 Mad River Green, Waitsfield, VT 05673 www.madrivertasteplace.com
Marty's 1st Stop 421 Route 2 East, Danville, VT 05828 www.martysvt.com Moose River Lake & Lodge Morse Farm 1168 County Rd, Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 223-2740 Natural Provisions – St. Johnsbury New England Maple Museum Pollys Pancake Parlor Quechee General Store (formally Cabot Cheese) 5573 Woodstock Rd. Quechee, VT 05059 Rock of Ages 558 Graniteville Road, Graniteville, VT 05654. www.rockofages.com Santa’s Village
Singleton’s Market Stowe Street Emporium Sugarbush Farm
Vermont Country Deli Vermont’s Own Products
Wildflower Inn Willoughby Lake Store